Out for summer, Out till fall, We might not come back at all, School’s out forever, School’s out for summer, School’s out with fever, School’s out completely…” Alice Cooper, “School’s Out”
The start of June, normally a time of excitement as we look forward to the beginning of summer and the end of school, this year it brings more uncertainty. The past month started in Ontario with the celebration of Catholic Education Week (May 3rd to May 8th, 2020). The week was dedicated to the theme “Igniting Hope”, emphasizing the role of our schools as places of hope, community building, and social justice advocacy. The month ended with the announcement by Ontario Premier Doug Ford on May 19th, 2020, that all publicly funded schools will stay closed for the remainder of the school year.

The theme of the 2020 Catholic Education Week was “Igniting Hope”, emphasizing the role of our schools as places of hope, community building, and social justice advocacy
As parents struggle to balance the many demands of life during the pandemic, another month (at least!?) of homeschooling can seem like a daunting challenge. The value of schools and the important role of all those working within them, has become abundantly clear. While it might feel like “school’s out forever”, the efforts of our educators to provide resources and online learning opportunities, delivers hope and maintains a sense of community. Their expertise and creativity is a much needed source of strength, structure, and encouragement.

Bishop John Farrell, first Ordinary of the Diocese of Hamilton, was committed to supporting the development of schools, colleges, and libraries.
Since the establishment of the Diocese of Hamilton in 1856, fostering excellence in education has been a foundational role of diocesan initiatives. Our Bishop Farrell Library & Archives is named for our first Ordinary, Bishop John Farrell, who was dedicated to establishing a solid Catholic school system. By the end of his tenure (1856 – 1873) twenty-six separate schools were functioning in the Diocese of Hamilton. Bishop Farrell also encouraged the founding of what has become St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo and established the first Catholic library in the City of Hamilton. The Diocese of Hamilton has continued to worked toward promoting quality education for all, through the efforts of our Bishops, clergy, religious communities, and layity. There are currently seven Catholic School Boards within our boundaries (Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board, Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir, Halton Catholic District School Board, Hamilton Wentworth Catholic District School Board, Waterloo Catholic District School Board, and Wellington Catholic District School Board). St. Jerome’s University endures as a public Roman Catholic university, federated with the University of Waterloo in 1960. The Diocese of Hamilton also supports the pastoral care of students at McMaster University in Hamilton, The University of Guelph, The University of Waterloo and Laurier University in Waterloo. The Diocese of Hamilton is committed to supporting education at all levels, “from kindergarten to university and beyond” (Vicar for Education, Diocese of Hamilton https://hamiltondiocese.com/vicar-for-education.php).
In honour of all educators, below are a few photographs showcasing the history of education within the Diocese of Hamilton. Thank you for your knowledge, dedication, and hope!
- Photograph maintained in the Diocese of Hamilton Archive, 1910, (DHA.001.192)
- Black and white photograph of the 1928 Graduating Class of Cathedral Boys High School. In attendance is Bishop J. T. McNally, to his left is Mons. J.J. Blair of Toronto and to his right Rev. P. L. O’Brien Principal of Cathedral Boys, 1928, (DHA.001.653)
- Black and white photograph of a student opening the door to the art room of the newly built St. Michael Catholic Elementary School in Hamilton, ON, 1966, Photo Credit: The Canadian Register, (DHA.001.613)
- Black and white photograph of a Junior Phys-ed students and their teacher at the then newly built St. Michael Catholic Elementary School, Hamilton, ON, 1966, Photo Credit: The Canadian Register, (DHA.001.614)
- Black and white photographic portrait of teacher Joan Moore, reading to her class in the library at the then newly built St. Michael Catholic Elementary School, Hamilton, ON, 1966, Photo Credit: The Canadian Register, (DHA.001.615)
- Black and white photograph of The Cathedral Boys High School Football Team. It depicts the 1954 Senior Inter-Scholastic Champion team, 1954, (DHA.001.596)
- Photograph of the newly built St. Michael’s School with First Principal Jim Hanson, at right, 1966, Photo Credit: The Canadian Register, (DHA.001.612)
- Photograph of Father Ron Cote with Bishop Ryan High School Students. Fr. Cote was principal of Bishop Ryan High School from 1962 to 1975, [197-], (DHA.001.516)
- Photograph of Students in Typing Class, Brantford, [195?], (DHA.001.180)
- Sister Marie Lackenbauer, SSND, Taught commercial/business at high schools in Kitchener/Cambridge. Local offices asked for her students as employees. She had charge of yearbook at St. Mary’s High, Kitchener. Photo Credit: The School Sisters of Notre Dame, Hamilton
- Sister Francis Rossignoli, CSJ, Photo Credit: Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada (Hamilton)
- Sister Gertrude, CSJ at Cathedral High School, Hamilton, Photo Credit: Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada (Hamilton)
- Black and white photograph of school children and teachers outside of St. Theresa’s School Burford, [196?], (DHA.001.162)
- Black and white photograph of school children outside of St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School in Hamilton, ON, 1955, Photo Credit: Bochsler Studio, (DHA.001.589)
- Black and white photograph of a visiting priest at St John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School, Hamilton, 1955, Photo Credit: Bochsler Studio, (DHA.001.590)
- Classroom at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School, Hamilton with the teacher looking on. [195-? ], Photo Credit: Joseph Bochsler Photography, (DHA.001.592)
- Photograph of St. James’ School Catholic Elementary School, Hamilton, [195-?], Photo Credit: Joseph Bochsler, (DHA.001.616)
- Sister St Albert, CSJ, Photo Credit: Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada (Hamilton)
- Sister Martina, CSJ, Photo Credit: Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada (Hamilton)
- Sister Mary Walter, CSJ, Photo Credit: Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada (Hamilton)
- Photograph of Bishop Ryan, Mayor Lloyd Jackson, T.J. McKenna, Frank Dessot, and Helen Johnson at ground breaking ceremony for Bishop Ryan High School, Hamilton, 1958, (DHA.001.353)
- Bishop Ryan at the dedication of the St. Thomas More High School in Hamilton, 1965, Photo Credit: Bochsler Studios LTD, (DHA.001.354)
- Sacred Heart Cecilians Kitchener Girls in Procession at the Marian Day Celebrations at Ivor Wynne Stadium, then known as Civic Stadium, Photo Credit: Bochsler Studios Ltd, (DHA.001.573)
- Dormitory Building at St. Jerome’s College, Jenkins & Wright Architects – Kitchener, 1953, (DHA.001.203)
- Cathedral High School Graduation at the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, 1953, Photo Credit: Bochsler Studio Photographers, (DHA.001.595)
- Colour photograph of the first graduation class of Assumption High School, Burlington in regalia on the steps of the Cathedral of Christ the King Hamilton, May 1981, (DHA.001.038)
- Bishop Tonnos with the Grade Two/Three Class at Christ the King School, May 29, 1989, (B8P.002.001)
- Colour photograph of Bishop Tonnos with a young girl at the sod turning for Bishop Tonnos High School, Hamilton, May 22, 2003, Photo Credit: The Hamilton Spectator, (DHA.001.349)