The dog days of summer are upon us! As the temperatures rise and the end of the season looms ahead, find time to stimulate your mind and prepare for the inevitable return to busy fall days.
The Bishop Farrell Library & Archives remains open for the pick up and drop off of Library resources – and we have some great options to put you back on top of your game! Below are a few suggested themes to get you started.
Year of St. Joseph
Pope Francis proclaimed a special Year of St Joseph, proceeding from December 8th 2020 to December 8th 2021. This marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. It also presents an opportunity for us to consider this humble father who, with little fanfare, impacted the history of salvation. His life stands out as an example of love, obedience, dignity, and hard work. Connect to the values of St. Joseph through mediation and prayer or by delving into the practices and customs alive during the place and time that St. Joseph lived. A curated list of resources can be accessed on our Library Catalogue, including Walking with Saint Joseph: 30 Days of Reflection and Prayer with Pope Francis; St. Joseph, Tender Father: His Life and His Care for us Today by Louise Perrotta; and St. Joseph and his World by Mike Aquilina. You can find more information about the Year of St. Joseph on our Diocesan website.

Laudato Si’ and the Environment
Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ seminal “green” encyclical published in 2015, will continue inspire for generations to come. Encompassing a review of Catholicism’s history of social teachings, as well as a hard examination of the impact of our technology and lifestyle choices, Laudato Si’ challenges us to consider the future of our planet. Pope Francis appeals for a global commitment to the care of all creation and the acknowledgement of our moral responsibilities to the earth and humanity. It’s well worth spending time with the text! We have a wide range of resources to help unpack Laudato Si‘. From the theological to the pragmatic, we have you covered with titles such as The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si‘ by Joshtrom Kureethadam; Reading, Praying, Living Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’: A Faith Formation Guide by David Cloutier; and Greening Your Church: A Practical Guide to Creation Care Ministry for Parishes, Dioceses, and Religious Communities by Norman Lévesque. Our Library Catalogue has the full list of these fantastic resources. Or if you are an eBook only reader, you can search for these specifically on our eBook site!

Reel Justice Film Festival
With social engagement in mind, you might also consider checking out the items highlighted in our Reel Justice Film Festival. A partnership between Development & Peace – Carias Canada and the Bishop Farrell Library & Archives, the Reel Justice Film Festival shines a spotlight on issues of social, political, and economic injustice. This festival has been ongoing since 2017 and provides community discussion around how we can support actions for change. A list of all films screened over the years can be found on the Reel Justice website. A few favourites include: To the Arctic, a family friendly documentary following a polar bear family’s struggle in a changing environment; Taking Root: The Vision of Wangari Maathai, the dramatic story of Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Wangari Maathai, whose simple act of planting trees grew into Kenya’s Greenbelt Movement; and The True Cost, which highlights the human and environmental costs of the clothing industry.

Please contact us with any questions about how to access these or any of our Library materials! Email us at or phone at: 905-528-7988 ext. 2270. Further details regarding pick up and drop off procedures can be found below or in a previous post Library Open for Pick Up and Returns!. We are back in the office and looking forward to supporting our community!

The Bishop Farrell Library & Archives celebrates the rich history of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hamilton. The Library collection provides easy access to over 8,000 items including titles on marriage, parenting, liturgy, scripture, prayer, social awareness, and vocations. The Library is open to ALL! We are located on the beautiful grounds of the Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King, steps away from our administrative (Chancery) office at 700 King St. West, Hamilton, ON.