Looking for a little inspiration for your daily meditation? Interested in learning more about the history of the Catholic church? The Bishop Farrell Library & Archives provides easy access to approximately 9,000 items related to the Catholic faith. This includes a wide selection of eBooks on topics such as scripture and bible study, family and relationships, ministry, social justice, and church history. These can be accessed via the Diocese of Hamilton website at https://hamiltondiocesebfl.overdrive.com/.

The eBook collection on the Diocese of Hamilton website: https://hamiltondiocesebfl.overdrive.com
The eBook collection provides 24/7 access to our Library resources and can be used by anyone regardless of location. With the Diocese of Hamilton having such a large geographic scope eBooks have become essential for reaching all of our Parishes. We extend from Tobermory in the north to Scotland (just south of Hamilton) and from Oakville to Kincardine in the east and west.
Accessing eBooks is an easy process. Simply install the Overdrive app on your device (Kobo, iPad, cell phone, tablet) or computer. Then search for the Bishop Farrell Library and start browsing our collection! Items circulate for three weeks at a time and can be renewed if needed. Once the circulation period is over items will be automatically removed from your device.

Accessing our eBooks is as easy as a few quick steps. Follow the directions above to start borrowing items!
In order to borrow eBooks you will need an account with the Bishop Farrell Library. To get started contact us at 905-528-7988 ext. 2270 or by email at library@hamiltondiocese.com. We are excited to share our fantastic resources with you!